Friday, June 12, 2015

Week 1

Hey everybody!!! So this week seemed like the longest yet shortest time of my life. Right when I got into the CCM I found another hermana and we became instant friends. I seriously love her so much. Her name is Hermana Wheelwright and she is from Morgan, Utah. Ya.... no one knows where that is so dont feel bad. The next one that walked on up was Hermana Osai from Idaho and she is now my companion and is going to go to Lima Norte with me which was SAWEEET CUZ FRIENDS. Im in a trio companionship and the otro hermana is Hermana Murray and first when I met her she was super duper quiet and the complete opposite from me. WELL, DONTCHA KNOW opposites totally attract because we are best friends. She is soooooo funny and our trio laughs 24/7. People even told me that it always seems like were having fun and that is definitely true. We were perfectly placed in this companionship to learn from one another and its totes working. Once you get in the CCM you just go and go and go until you collapse on your little bunk bed. Right when I got off the airport I was immediatly confused but luckily there was a whole pack of us that found each other on the airplane so we just were a huge mass of white, well dressed people wandering around. Mom and Dad you will be very proud that I do remember some spanish AND I USED IT AT THE AIRPORT. Ok yes yes yes it might have been the basics like how are you and and that, but hey whatever works right? Woot! I found the punctuation for emails. 
Well the CCM is beautiful, it is teeny, but so beautiful. It gets really hot and is humid so I dont really ever do my hair. Yup. Not at all except for today to go to the temple. Its funny because some of the latinas just delicately will pick up my hair to see the color hahaha. I love the latinas. Seriously my heart goes out to them and I cant wait to break out of the wall (thats what we call it cuz... #prison wink wink). We have gone out a couple of times for passports and what not and I loveeee it out there! When we went to migraciones I started talking to a little girl that was born without a hand. Her name was Arianna and she was the most precious girl in the whole world. I told her my name and she asked me if we were from the United States and started talking really really fast. I had to explain that I talked like a babe (un bebe entonces habla mas despaccio) hahaha. She just smiled and told me she liked our white skin. No wonder Jesus went to the children right away. Definitely my soft spot. We also were able to go shopping today which was an adventure. Yes Mom i kept my bag close to me and nothing happened. They have a store called tottos and its kind of like a walmart with evertyhing mashed into it. The american items are cray cray expensive, but besides that they have almost everything you would need.The TEMPLE IS AMAZING EVERYWHERE YOU GUYS. You dont have to understand to feel the spirit and hands down is the most beautiful thing I have seen yet. We had to wake up extra early today in order to go, but it was definilty worth it. 
Well, youre probably wondering about the food and what people tell you is right. Rice and chicken every single day BUT they didnt tell you how GOOD the rice and chicken are!!! I always ask for un poco or else they just mound that rice onto your place like there is no tomorrow and they have a veggie bar to make sure we have our greens but lemme tell you.... the poop problems are so real. Im not gonna sugar coat it and tell it to you straight because almost everybody gets it and its a pretty normal topic for us north americans. There are two types of dragons, the fire dragon and the ice dragon. Ice dragon is when you cant go, fire dragon is when it doesnt stop and let me tell you i have had the ice dragon my whole time hereeee. wow wa wee wah. Sometimes they refer to it as the nuncas and the siempres. Nuncas meaning never and siempres meaning always ahahha. For these problems you go to Hermana Gonzalez and she gives you pills and if its REALLY BAD the dynamite. The dynamite is some fruit that once you take it will totally clear out your system. Havent tried it yet, but i just might pretty soon. yikes. 
DRIVING! Driving is so crazy here. Ya. Never would I ever want to drive anywhere on these roads. of what seems to be 3 good roads, they divide so its like 6 roads and you are like an inch away from another car. there are roundabouts everywhere and you just sorta squeeze your way into traffic. if you want to walk across the road, pray before you go because if not you will die. haha. its like that one game frogger on iphones where you need to hope from one side to the other. crazy. they wont stop. they cant stop. and people just honk all the time. but not rudely like a yooo hooo im hereeee! kind of a thing. 
Well my day usually consists of classes and fake investigators. Things are going really well and im learning a lot! ill have you know that i am like the translator of our trio! Thank you Mom for making me stay in that spanish class because if not I would be toast!! The other day we were practicing contacting people on the street with one another and I totally felt the spirit come over me and I knew exactly what to say for her ¨[problem] those are quote marks ps. IT WAS SO AWESOME. She told me after that she felt it to and holyyyy cowwww I CAN DO THIS SI SE PUEDE!!! We had a fireside of a convert and he told the story of how he was converted by a gringo that couldnt speak spanish and told us to never ever give up. I know that I will find people out here who really need this gospel and I cant wait to give it to them. Well, me being the vessel and the conversion through the spirit of course. 
Gahhhh I guess I have to go. I love and miss you all so much. I hope Cami had the best birthday ever. I was thinking about you and please send me pictures of prom. I bet you looked stunning. Oh ps we were playing volleyball and i totally blocked an elder from his hit. ya thats right sisters before misters. anyways back on the spirit note. Yo se que Jesucristo es nuestro salvador del mundo. Yo se que el libro de mormon es la palabra del Dios. Yo se que estoy aqui por los familias de Peru y mi mision bendice mi familia. 
Love you, 
Hermana Adams xoxo

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