Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Ok, I hope yall get my reference because its from pokemon. ha. ha. ha. AHEM. Anyways. Let me tell you, another week in and I found the real struggle of my lovely Peru. They are called picaduras and at first when they land on you you might think it a lonely piece of dirt, or dust, or booger. Sweet lanta you better hope it is a booger because if you brush it off and it flies away. YOU ARE IN TROUBLE. If bitten by this teeny tiny mosquito, you will wake up the next morning with an inflamed red HUGE bump and if you have la sangre de la gringa, you will have a bajillion on your legs haha. Yes Yes I look semi like I have a problem but luckily I am doing much better. Yes mom, I am now and forever and always spraying bug spray on my legs. 
This week I felt a lot more sure of myself in the mission field. I knew what to expect and even shared a little bit more in the lessons! One night in particular I felt the gift of tongues 10 fold as I ping ponged back and forth with my companion. It was amazing. I have learned to rely on my Savior and how much he loves ALL of us. I challenge you to pray for a love like the Savior because even a glimpse of it will knock your socks off. I love learning about this gospel and especialy what it will do for families! Gashhhh I miss my fam! And I hope my friends know they are included in the noun family haha. 
I hope you guys know how much I rely on you out here! I know that I want my family to be eternal and in turn, when I see the little kids of Peru especially, I want them to be eternal as well. They are my favorite. I know that I have said it before, but all children really do have the light of Christ. They have so much patient and love and I can feel it even though half the time I have no idea what their cute little voices are saying. [You are really cute but i have no idea what youre saying!! shoutout my district from the ccm haha] 
This week we have 3 investigators with the potential of baptism and one with a date!! YAY YAY YAY. So excited to be a part of this work! Every bit of work makes a difference and I hope everyone, even at home, never forgets it! Stay strong, read in the scriptures. Seriously, reading them crazy slow in spanish has forced me to read them in depth and its amazing how each is applicable. I love you guys so so much! Christ loves you and God listens to each prayer. I can testify of that!! 

Xoxo, Hermana Adams :) 

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